Catastrophic Injuries | Toxic Exposures


and their families.

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    Your Dedicated Agricultural Injury Lawyers

    At Gianaris Trial Lawyers, we understand the agricultural industry’s backbreaking work and the inherent hazards that come with it. Our dedicated team of agricultural injury lawyers offers expertise to those who’ve been compromised while contributing to the critical industry of agriculture. Our agricultural industry lawyers stand by the hardworking individuals who feed the nation, ensuring that their rights and livelihoods are protected.

    Common Agricultural Accidents

    The agricultural sector is among the most hazardous industries, and sadly, accidents are common. Our legal team has vast experience in handling Catastrophic Injuries. The industry is no stranger to catastrophic injuries, which can range from spinal injuries to traumatic brain injuries, often impacting an individual’s ability to work and function independently.

    Equipment Accidents: Modern farming relies on machinery, and with heavy usage comes the risk of accidents. From tractor rollovers to entanglement in machinery, these incidents can result in severe injuries or even fatalities.

    Tractor Rollovers: Representing a large percentage of agricultural injuries, rollovers can occur due to instability on uneven terrain or improper weight distribution.

    Collisions: Busy farm operations can lead to collisions with other vehicles, objects, or even workers on foot.

    Entanglement: Moving parts in tractors can pose serious risks, especially when proper safeguards are not in place or are malfunctioning.

    Falls: Operators can suffer falls from tractors, leading to broken bones, head injuries, and other serious injuries.

    At Gianaris Trial Lawyers, our pledge to the men and women in agriculture is unwavering. We are here to elevate your voice and help ensure that those impacted by agricultural injuries receive full and fair compensation.

    Toxic Exposure in the Agriculture Industry

    Our attorneys are deeply familiar with the risks associated with toxic exposures that agricultural workers often face, including:

    Pesticides: The use of pesticides can lead to immediate or delayed health effects, ranging from skin irritations to more serious conditions such as cancer or reproductive harm.

    Dust: Inhalation of grain and other organic dust can cause respiratory illnesses, including the debilitating farmer’s lung.

    Anhydrous Ammonia: As a widely used fertilizer, anhydrous ammonia exposure can be lethal without proper precautions and safety protocols.

    Other Toxic Exposures: We handle cases involving exposures to various toxic substances, ensuring that the legal rights of our clients are fully upheld.

    Serving Farmers and Agricultural Workers

    Whether you’re directly involved in the daily farm operations or working in a supportive role, our legal services are tailored to a broad range of professionals in agriculture, including but not limited to:

    Farm Owners and Operators
    Agricultural Workers and Laborers
    Farm Equipment Operators
    Agronomists and Crop Scientists
    Pesticide Handlers
    Feedlot Operators
    Dairy Managers and Staff
    Greenhouse and Nursery Workers
    Farm Safety Inspectors

    If you or a loved one have sustained an injury or been subject to toxic exposure in the agricultural sector, reach out to us for a thorough evaluation of your case.  Call Gianaris Trial Lawyers today – because your safety and justice are our priority.